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These are the Terms of Use of the Parallel Festival application (hereinafter: the Application), managed and operated by PARALLEL EVENTS S.L., having its registered office in C/Aurora, 11 bis 2º 3ª in 08001 Barcelona and registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, in volume 46144, sheet 99, page number B-510894., hereinafter the Organizer.


Please read these Terms of Use carefully, as any use of the Application constitutes your acceptance of the Terms of Use contained herein. These Terms of Use apply to each access and use of the Application.


By downloading the Application, you have explicitly confirmed that you have read and accepted these Terms of Use. Creating an account, signing in to an account and any other use of the Application also constitutes an additional acknowledgement and acceptance of these Terms of Use.


Article 1 Definitions


“Account": The personal user account generated by the Application once the User has registered via his Google account, Facebook account or by completing the (electronic) registration form.


“Terms of Use”: These terms of use, governing access to and use of the Application.


“Application” or “Platform”: A platform made available by the Organizer to the User for the organization of events and providing access to the use of certain Services.


“User”: Any natural person who downloads the Application and creates an Account.


“Services”: The services that the User can use after downloading the Application such as, but not limited to: purchasing tickets for an event, purchasing merchandising or credit for drinks,..


"Content": the content uploaded by a User with the intention of sharing it on the Platform, i.e.


photos, images, texts, messages,...


Article 2 Purpose of the Application


The Application is a platform intended for the overall experience of the User at one or more events organized by the Organizer.


Through the Application, the Organizer can, amongst others (but not limited to) inform the User about an event, the User can, inter alia (but not limited to) use certain Services such as

the purchase of tickets, drink credit, merchandising,... or communicate with the Organizer and with third-party Users.


Article 3 Scope


These Terms of Use defne and regulate the legal relationship between Organizer and the User(s) with regard to each use of the Application.


These Terms of Use apply to any use of the Application. Use of the Application includes, amongst others, consulting, posting, uploading and downloading Content, registering an account, purchasing Services,...


These Terms of Use apply to Users only. Unregistered Users do not have access to the Application.


Any use of the Application also constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of the Terms of Use set out herein.


Article 4 Creating an Account


In order to use the Application, the User must create an Account by (i) logging in via his/her Google account; (ii) logging in via his/her Facebook account, or; (iii) completing the personal data in the Registration Form made available after downloading the Application.


The Registration Form must be filled in completely, accurately and truthfully.


Upon registration, Users must accept the Terms of Use contained herein by ticking the appropriate box.


The Organizer reserves the right to accept or refuse Registration. Registration may be refused for, amongst others, but not limited to, the following reasons:


  • The User does not provide the data requested for identification or the User provides incomplete or incorrect data;


  • The User attempts to register multiple or multiple times by using different names;


  • The User makes unauthorized use of the identity of a third party;


  • The User does not comply with the obligations set out in these Terms of Use, has not complied with them in the past or the Organizer can reasonably assume that he will not comply with them in the future;


  • Any other reason on the basis of which the Organizer may reasonably consider that the registration cannot be accepted.


Upon acceptance of these Terms of Use, Users warrant to us that they are over 13 years of age or have parental or guardian consent. The Organizer reserves the right, without any warning, to immediately, unconditionally and unilaterally close any Account that violates these or other certain rules. Until the child's 18th birthday, parents remain responsible for the use, transactions and activities of the Account.

Upon registration as a User, the User's Account will become active upon acceptance of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Account activation will be confrmed by an email to User's email address. Thereafter, User will have access to the Application.


Users can terminate their Account themselves on the Application by means of the 'DELETE ACCOUNT' button in the profle. The personal data in the Account are thereafter further processed for the purposes and duration as described in our Privacy Policy.


Article 5 Use of the Application and the Services


The use of the Application is reserved exclusively for Users. Only Users can use the Services offered through the Application.


Certain Services can be enjoyed free of charge, other Services require the User to have previously made a money balance available in the Application through a payment in the Application. In his/her Account, the User can view an overview of all transactions he/she has made through his/her Account. Payments are possible via ‘Bankcontact”, via the User's banking app or cash at the Event.


The User is solely responsible for all Content posted. Copyrighted material belonging to third parties may not be used without the prior consent of the owner.


The Organizer expressly reserves the right to change or remove the content of the Application (including hyperlinks), the (content of the) Services and the information entered by Users at any time and without prior notice.


The Organizer reserves the right to remove any Content from the Application and the Platform. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to dangerous, prohibited and harmful Content; Content that does not classify within the purpose of the Application and to Content that infringes the intellectual property rights of other Users or third parties.


In order to ensure the proper and efcient functioning of the Application, the Organizer reserves the right to remove any Content related to an event after the conclusion of this Event.


Artikel 6         Costs related to the usage of the platform


The Organizer may at any time decide to make one or more of the following applications of the Application available to the Users:


  • Topping up the Application with money

  • Cancelling a ticket

  • Refunding the outstanding money balance from the Application to the account of the registered User;


By accepting these Terms of Use, the User agrees to the following charges related to the use of the Application to the extent made available by Organiser:


  • Topping up the Application: no charge

  • Refund of outstanding balance from the Application to the account of the registered User: no charge


These fees will be automatically charged and deducted when transactions are carried out.

The User accepts and consents that the money balance on the Application will expire and accrue to the Organizer if the User is inactive (i.e. no check-ins and/or no spending and/or no recharging ) for a period longer than 180 days.


Article 7 Fair and Safe Use


The User is personally liable for any use that he/she or third parties make of the Application and the Services offered therein via his/her Account. The User indemnifes the Organizer against all third-party claims related to the User's failure to comply with these Terms of Use:


The User shall refrain from using or causing the use of the Application and/or the Services for unlawful acts, committing criminal and civil offences and/or for acts contrary to these Terms of Use.


The User will also refrain from: (i) passing on his/her Account details to third parties; (ii) registering multiple accounts by using different names; (ii) providing incorrect personal data;


  1. using the identity of a third party or using a false name; (iv) logging in to Accounts belonging to a third party.


The User undertakes to notify the Organizer immediately of any unauthorized use of its login and password and to report any (possible) breach of the security of the Application to the Organizer without delay.


The User is solely responsible for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the Content posted by him / her and that the Content does not violate any legal or contractual obligation. Under no circumstances may the Application be used to store or distribute illegal Content such as but not limited to:


  • Distributing, making available and/or offering copyrighted material such as e.g. video images, music, texts, visual material,... without the prior consent of the author via the infrastructure of the Organizer;


  • Distributing, making available and/or offering sexually oriented content or hateful, vulgar, racially oriented, ethically irresponsible, discriminatory or other such material prohibited by Belgian law;


  • It is also forbidden to use the Application to distribute software with the aim of causing damage to third parties, including viruses, trojan horses, programming code with the aim of deleting or damaging data, damaging or destroying hardware or, more generally, damaging the offered Application;


It is prohibited to interfere with access to and use of the Application in any way.


Using the Application to cause damage to the image and reputation of the Organizer and / or Service Provider is prohibited.


Upon identifcation of activities contrary to the provisions of these Terms of Use, the User's account will be immediately closed and/or the Organizer may, depending on the nature of the violation, proceed with one or more of the following actions:

  1. Discontinue the User's Account indefnitely;


  1. Permanently terminate the User's Account;


  1. Charge additional fees, fnes and damages;


  1. Delete the relevant Content;


  1. Take all necessary steps to put an end to the abuse.


The User has no means of appeal against this decision by the Organizer.


Article 8 Liability


8.1 Liability for the content of the Application


The Organizer devotes the utmost attention and care to the content of the Application.


However, this content is subject to change, may be removed at any time and is made available to you without any express or implied guarantee of accuracy. We are not liable for damages resulting from the use in any way of the content of the Application or for damages caused by its distribution, regardless of whether such content was correct or incorrect.


The Organizer devotes the utmost attention and care and attention to provide 24/7 access to the Application. However, given the technical characteristics of the internet and information technology, and the need for periodic maintenance, updates or upgrades, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access and services. In case of interruption or disruption of access or services, we will make our best efforts to correct it within the shortest possible time. Such normally acceptable interruptions or disturbances are associated to services over the internet and cannot be considered as defects or omissions. They will under no circumstances give rise to liability for any damages or other legal remedy.


We pay the utmost attention and care to the presence of hyperlinks to third-party websites.


However, we cannot guarantee that these links work. We are not liable for the accuracy of the information published on the third-party websites. In the event of a normally acceptable interruption to the functioning of these hyperlinks, the Organizer will do everything reasonably possible to remedy this within the shortest a reasonable possible time. Under no circumstances can this give rise to liability for any compensation or recourse.


The Organizer does not guarantee the timely and legible arrival of Content that may be sent via the internal messaging system.


The Organizer cannot be held liable for loss of data due to technical failure or human error.


The Organizer cannot be held liable for the loss of assets or reputation, or for any other specifc direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, the use of the Application. Where applicable, we exclude warranty and liability if and to the extent permitted by applicable law.


The User shall indemnify the Organizer against any claim by authorities or third parties for violation, of any kind, of these Terms of Use, and the User shall fully compensate any damage suffered by us or the third parties with whom we have entered into an agreement regarding the operation of the Application as a result of his/her actions or omissions on the Application.


8.2 Liability for Content posted by Users


The Organizer draws attention to the fact that it does not own the Content uploaded by Users and is therefore not liable for such Content, nor for any defects, shortcomings or its illegal nature.


The Organizer does not guarantee that any Content displayed does not infringe applicable laws or the rights or interests of third parties or visitors to the Application and cannot guarantee that any post by a User or any image uploaded by a User is correct, complete and up to date.


We disclaim all liability for Content uploaded by Users that violates third-party rights, applicable criminal law or public order and morality. If a User becomes aware of the presence of such Content and believes that his/her property rights have been violated, he/she must immediately notify the Organizer so that the Organizer can take appropriate action.


The User who has uploaded Content or posted a message is solely liable for it, as well as for any possible resulting claims or legal consequences. The User shall indemnify and hold the Organizer harmless from any claim for damages and all related costs of visitors or third parties arising from the infringement or violation of rights by the uploaded Content for which he is solely responsible.


Users may not hold the Organizer liable for content posted by other Users, conduct of other Users or Content uploaded by other Users.


In the event of a dispute with another User, the User will not hold the Organizer liable and indemnify the Organizer for any claims, demands and damages arising out of such dispute or in any way related thereto.


Article 9 Intellectual Property


The content of the Application, which originates from us, including trademarks, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, graphics, etc. are protected by intellectual property rights belonging either to us or to third parties with whom we have entered into an agreement.


We respect the intellectual property rights of others and request Users of the Application to do the same. Intellectual property rights on Content posted by Users are not transferred to us, but remain with the User. However, the User grants hereby a license to other Users and to the Organizer to use the Content posted by him/her for the purposes for which they were provided.


Article 10 Other provisions


If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect. We will replace the invalid/annulled provision, taking into account the purpose of the invalid/annulled provision.

In case of modifcation of these Terms of Use, the new version will be available in the Application and a notifcation will be sent to each User. This new version will apply from the User's next visit to the Application and his approval of the new Terms of Use. From that moment, the User is deemed to have taken note of and agreed to this new version.


Article 11 Applicable law and competent courts


These Terms of Use shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with Spanish law, which is exclusively applicable to any possible dispute.


The courts of the place where our registered ofce is located have sole jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute that might arise from the interpretation or execution of these Terms of Use.


Article 12 Contact and complaints


Any complaint or dispute, on penalty of inadmissibility, should be sent by registered letter to the address above, within a period of 5 working days.

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